ExpertFlyer Beta Site
The brand: ExpertFlyer is an online service created to make air travel information easily accessible and for anyone who wants or needs access. It gives users the power and resources of an OTA (online travel agent). Its services include award and upgrade availability, flight availability, travel information like gate times and fare requirements, seat maps and seat alerts, and allows you to set custom alerts when certain fares become available or schedules change.
The ask: From an initial set of about 40 beta concept screens from a previous designer, update and create comprehensive screens for the entire ExpertFlyer website. Maintain a focus on a fresh UI, ease of use, and creating a more approachable site that would welcome an audience beyond just “experts”.
The solve:
Using the existing styles as defined by the previous design, I took his original concept designs and carried them across to the rest of the ExpertFlyer experience. Overall, my work covered 180+ premium logged-in screens, 40 free logged-in screens, and 70+ marketing and help pages for the respective desktop and mobile versions of the site. In addition to the experience screens and various user flows, I made adjustments to the text stack, iconography, and interaction styles from the original system.
I worked in close collaboration with the Vice President of ExpertFlyer (and co-founder) and internal and external developers to ensure user flows and needs were maintained with the updated UI, and had weekly meetings with both. I also collaborated closely with a content designer, particularly on the newly added Help Sliders added to each search and results page across the site, which adds on-screen information about the tool and how it is used. This is in addition to the Help Center (see in the ExpertFlyer Marketing Pages project) that I pitched and created to replace the original PDF doc-guides that were ExpertFlyer’s original documentation.